«Success in the future will be of those who can adapt to change»: Thomas Friedman.

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Success in the future will be for those with the motivation to continually learn, adapt to change and those who have a purpose based on values, all of these are skills that universities should promote, explained Thomas L. Friedman during his lecture «Thank you for being late: preparing future graduates to excel in accelerating times» at CETYS University.

The participation of Friedman left a great experience and motivation, since he invited those present to not forget the fundamental values that constitute human beings, despite the rapid technological development that we are living in.

He said that humanity has entered an era of vertiginous acceleration in which there are forces that are changing our planet; Moore’s law (technology), the market (globalization) and mother nature (climate change and biodiversity) so we must know how to live in it.

Friedman called on attendees to seek a sense of community that helps them cope with difficult times today, such as those of policies, community and environment.

Thomas Friedman at CETYS University

Dr. Fernando León García, President of CETYS University, explained that this conference held with the support of Santander – Universia, is a way to ensure that the community of students and teachers, can have access to opinion leaders who seek to improve aspects that impact their environment.

«Technology has advanced at a pace in which the capacity for adaptation of society at this time is slower, then we must rethink how universities seek to educate young people, therefore, we need to promote faster learning» said Leon García.

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